Sunday, October 30, 2011

Embrace the Beard.

For school I had to design two posters.  One is to persuade you to follow a certain "profession" the other to dissuade you.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Summer Work

Here are a few images from my garage after a night at work.  I'll have some more work to put up here soon, hopefully.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Website!!!

I'm working on a new website, should be finalized in a few weeks.  So while you wait here's something funny.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fort Sumter, Charleston, South Carolina

Pelican, while on the way to Fort Sumter

Part of the original wall of Fort Sumter

Part of the island Fort Sumter is on

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Little Bit of Summer In Door County

Having been back in Door County for about three weeks and having one day of work so far I have had some time to shoot.  Here's a few images from my first few weeks of summer.

Devan Schultz of the Gibraltar/Sevastapol "Vikineers" breaks free from two Southern Door players in the last regular season season game of the year.  The "Vikineers" won 4-1.

Reflections are sweet.  Taken through the window of a 2002 Jeep Wrangler.

A woodpecker flying to forage for more food near Fred and Fuzzy's Waterfront Bar and Grill.

The Northern Lights as seen from Pebble Beach.

4:50 am on Pebble Beach.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Elements of Graphic Design Final Project

Although I have created quite a bit of decent work over the quarter for this class I haven't had time to post much of it.  Here is my final poster designed only with type.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

RASP Morning Session

During the Saturday morning beginner sessions some of the older riders come in to instruct and do demos for the younger kids.

Blaise attempts a stall as the younger bikers look on.

Jeese Crawford fist bumps Jackson Cypher after Jackson successfully dropped in on a ramp.

Blaise helps fix a BMX bike for a young rider.

Jesse Crawford steadies Angela Brenneis before she rides down a ramp

Jesse Crawford- frontside grab

Marcus Bazinet- frontside boardslide

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

more from RASP and ROC

Blaise Russotti stands behind the counter waiting for customers at RASP

Marcus Bazinet - Backside Grab

Blaise Russotti - No Hander

Jesse Crawford, Marcus Bazinet and Jared Polizzi "Ro-sham-bo" for who goes first in a game of S-K-A-T-E

Jesse Crawford - Backside Crooked Grind

It's nice to be able to have a project that I can shoot the subject matter I actually want to shoot...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Elements of Photojournalism: Photo Essay Part One

Our final project in my photojournalism class is a several week long project on a topic of our choosing.  I plan on covering RASP and some of the local skaters.  Today was my first time there, I met with the owner, (who is also a professor at RIT?!) and a few of the local skaters.  One my way home I also found another skater, alos a grad student at RIT skating under an overpass.

Madonna Grab
Backside 360 attempt
360 hand shuvit

Feeble stall

Monday, March 21, 2011

Elements of Photojournalism: Photograph a Classmate

For this project we chose a fellow classmate at random to follow around and photograph for a 5 photograph feature.  I chose William Palmer and we went to the "The Landing Strip" (It's a bar, not a strip club)

Spring Break 2011 - San Diego Wild Animal Park

A Meerkat sniffing the air for potential threats.

A Flamingo takes a drink of water.

Two flamingos fighting for space at the feeding trough.

Gorilla does not like being stared at all day...

Two juvenile giraffes practice headbutts, a skill they will need when fighting to mate.

The staff photographer takes a photograph of me taking a photograph of three Lorikeets eating nectar from my hand.

This Lorikeet likes to pretend he's a hawk sometimes

Spring Break 2011 - Date Around Southern California

Our final night in California Anna took me on a date all over the San Diego area, from Balboa Park all the way up to Oceanside.

One of the pools at Balboa Park, very reminiscent of El Alhambra in Spain.

Me and Anna chilling by a fountain in Balboa Park

Hand-held picture of the San Diego coastline, from where- I think- the Anchorman scene where Ron tells Veronica the history of San Diego

My favorite photograph of the trip, a one footed seagull lands tenderly on a railing on the Oceanside Pier

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Break 2011 - Mountain Biking at Lake Hodges

Taking a break on the dock
Ducks that we could only assume were going into the brush to get frisky

View from the back of my bike with my camera being held on to the rear rack by a couple of old bungee cords.
If I consider my camera my baby, I hate to see what my firstborn is going to go through...