Saturday, October 2, 2010

Open Water

Today was my first open water dive. It really is a completely different world down there.  Everything is very surreal, having fish stare back at you, inches away from from your face, looking up and not being able to see the surface, floating effortlessly 2 feet above the ground.  Diving in open water is pretty much just awesome.  Our location is a sketchy old quarry at a top secret location.  We were blindfolded on the way there and on the way back to the dive center so I actually have no idea where the place is located other than roughly 30 minutes away from the dive center.  Once we arrived we threw on our gear and were hurried to get in the water.  After going over some skills we went under, we explored in pairs with one guide and did a couple more underwater skills.  We surfaced for 10 minutes and did this again.  I was allowed to take one photo of the site and you will never guess who that is waving at me.  RIT photo students, I give you one guess.

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