Friday, April 9, 2010

Frozen Four!

Yesterday a very unlikely event happened.  The college sports team I have cheered for my entire life, took on the college I am currently attending in the Division 1 Men's Ice Hockey Semi-Finals.  The Wisconsin Badgers took on The RIT Tigers in a rather one sided match-up which for me, wasn't all that disappointing, I am a fan of upsets however and it would've been incredibly epic if RIT had made it to the championship round.  But, despite the 8-1 loss I still feel incredibly blessed to have been able to attend such an unlikely event.
     I planned to shoot the event with some equipment from the photo cage at RIT, but due to lack of planning I did not get any credentials from the school and had to leave the long telephoto lens in the car, I did manage to sneak a 24-70mm lens in, the longest allowed for a normal fan is 55mm.  It was not long enough to get any decent action shots but I got some of the rink in general.

   Even though the game was not overly exciting or intense, the whole event seemed sort of surreal seeing the red and orange on the ice together.  This was not an experience I will soon forget.  Oh, and GO BADGERS!!!

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