Monday, April 19, 2010

On-Location Lighting Allegory Assignment

In the second school-wide photography assignment we had to recreate an allegorical painting by using lights and flashes available at the photo cage. (The cage is a place for photo students to rent very nice photography equipment)  I found this painting called the"Allegory of Hearing" it represents hearing through the various instruments and music books as well as a stag lying near the tree.  I knew it would be difficult to get a deer in the frame with a bunch of instruments and flashing lights, not to mention a person.  So, I decide to take two frames, one with the deer and then another from the same position with my lights and model.  This was easier said than done.  I got a couple of decent frames on campus, but wasn't satisfied, so I traveled to Mendon Ponds Park where I received a tip that the deer are quite abundant.  This tip proved to be very true, there were deer everywhere and I spent a couple hours trying to get one in the perfect position.  I finally did with a composition very similar to the painting, complete with building in the top left corner, but, I had waited to long for that shot as the sun decided it was time for bed.  By the time all of my lights and props were set up it was to dark to get any ambient light to mix with the flash.  So, I went with the shots I made on campus and merged them in Photoshop.  While I am not thrilled with my results, I did ultimately complete what I set out to do.

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