Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Diving Dogs

At the dive center there are a couple of dogs that run around and say hello to the customers there, these dogs are Samoyeds. They are probably the fluffiest creatures I have ever seen.  While they do not go in the water they do like to play reverse fetch, (as well as the traditional version) they take their tennis ball and toss it in the pool making us go to grab them an give it back.  The one below is Thunder as his friend Halo was feeling lazy and hiding in the back.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yes We Soda Can

designed this last minute when I remembered I need a pun today!

The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

Picked up these guys a couple weeks ago, my first pair of sunglasses worth more than 10 dollars.  I need something nice to protect the most important part of my future career, eh? (note the surface
I'm shooting on, ghetto softbox doubles as a light table, ha!)

Underwater Photography

Needless to say Underwater Photography is my favorite class.  We are still working on our open water diving certification so cameras have yet to taken out of their bags.  Even so Scuba diving is one of the coolest things I have ever done and we're still in the pool!  Next weekend is the first open water dive and I'm pumped.  Anyways, the stuff hanging there in the window is the gear we have gotten thus far, just the snorkel, goggles, and my lovely Speedo.  Don't expect this to be the last post about Underwater Photography.

No Softbox...No Problem

What happens Sunday morning when you're shooting for a project due Monday and you need a softbox? This is what happens...

an old t-shirt, cardboard box, and some staples.  Shove your flash in there and there you have it, beautiful, soft light without leaving your apartment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cupcakes = Good Day

When these guys show up on your doorstep after a bad day, your day is not so bad anymore.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Punday Post

It's only week 2 and we're this tired already?? I can only imagine what week 9 will look like...

Wires and such

Friday, September 17, 2010

2D Design

I forgot how much I like design!  I haven't created something without any photography for quite some time.  For my 2D design class we needed to create a piece only with line and black and white.  This is what I have come up with so far...

Vignelli Opening

Thursday a new building was unveiled at RIT, it was the Vignelli Center for Design Studies.  Apparently it's a pretty big deal, at least in the design world.  There were a bunch of people dressed all fancy.  In actuality though it is a fairly big deal, this center will grant RIT students to a great deal of work the the Vignelli's as well as other world renown designers.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Brian Bielmann

As I was chillin out to some Donovan Frankenreiter. I checked out his website and I found his photo's section.  There I saw an album with some surf photo's so I checked it out.  The photo's were by a photographer named Brian Bielmann.  The majority of his work includes surf and underwater photography.  I want to meet this man.  I  want to assist for him quite badly. So I think I will contact him, maybe.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Park Point Chillin

Living in Park Point is pretty sweet, I suppose.  For those of you not in the know, Park Point is a fully furnished apartment complex made specifically for the students of RIT, though anyone can live here.  Though I do wish I could have furnished my own place, after helping move in my girlfriend and her roommates I was quite thankful that getting everything into my apartment only took about 30 minutes give or take.  My only gripe is the rent, which is quite a bit more than I can afford at this POINT (pun) (sorry).  This issue will probably prevent me from living here after this school year, but we'll tackle that when we come to it.  They do however include FuelTV in their television package, so as soon as my dad decides to let me have the TV from his office that he can't use anymore anyways *ahem* I'll be living right proper.

Save the Busses for Later

Hey, the weather's not too bad, (for Rochester) so why not take advantage of it?  There's been a couple rainy days that have proved a bit troublesome for my preferred mode of transportation but I'm not gonna sweat it. (it's barely 60 degrees so that's not too difficult) (pun?)  Anyways, while all of you lazy people grumble and sit on a stinky bus, I'm going to grab my skateboard, cruise down the street and enjoy the cool breeze before it turns into the freezing 50 mph wind storm.


RIT tends to have many activities on campus all the time... but this stuff has been chilling here for a few days now. Never seen any of it on, don't know where it all came from... oh well

Back in class

Week one. Check. Ten more big ones before I can enjoy some delicious turkey with the family and not have to worry about eating stale bagels and finding my toothpaste all before I skateboard through the rain to hopefully get to class with at least some form of punctuality.  Until then I am posting at least 5 images a week for my Fine Art Photography class.  So we start it off with a shot from my morning History of Photography class.  Mostly we hear about how the projector isn't calibrated properly, but I think we might get some actual history in there eventually...

Monday, September 6, 2010


Well, I have returned to Rochester for the school year.  Still getting settled but I'm back online.  To summarize my summer in one photo would be ridiculous and to try would just end up in me bullsh*tting about a bunch of symbolization and what represents what.  So instead I bring you Slip and Slide Door County Edition.  A massive tarp covered with water and dish soap. Summer.