Friday, September 17, 2010

2D Design

I forgot how much I like design!  I haven't created something without any photography for quite some time.  For my 2D design class we needed to create a piece only with line and black and white.  This is what I have come up with so far...


  1. The look of transparency at the top has some nice things going on, and I think the simplicity at the bottom is a good balance to the ambiguity of the upper right. There is almost a gradient effect between them, and that has some nice things going on.

    However, the strong contrast between the black and the white waves in the upper left bothers me. I think that triangle of white is an interesting idea, especially with the circle and the triangle of black beside it. I like that. I just think the left side is weaker than the right because of the thick black space there of line where the predominately horizontal lines meet the diagonal lines is distracting. I think that having it bend is a good idea, but maybe making the diagonal lines simply overlap would help instead of trying to make them radiate outward.

    In the middle on the right side, some of the waves get too close to being pattern-like before the lines get clustered together and ambiguous. Maybe making just a little variation in there would help a little. Just my thoughts.

  2. Thanks for commenting! I touched it up a bit and will be posting the final one early next week. But just wondering...who are you?
