Thursday, January 21, 2010


If you ever feel the urge to shoot with a 4x5 veiw camera (you know the big ones that you thought were only used in the early 1900's with the big cloth that goes over your head and whatnot) then you better have just gotten a hefty promotion or won the lottery, cause its gonna cost you. A box of 50 sheets will run you about $100 bucks, then you need to get holders to keep the film from being exposed when you take it in and out of the camera, 2 of those will cost you $55 (luckily I got to borrow some) and then to process the film it costs about $2 per sheet. Split between 3 other people I spent about $70 on this shoot.
Other than the cost the experience is awesome! Shooting 4x5 film really makes you slow down and look at your composition and lighting before clicking the shutter, partly because of all of the fine tune adjustments you can make, but also because pushing that button will cost you about $5. Once you get into it however, you don't worry so much about the cost or anything, but more on making that image the best it can be.
I was actually fairly disappointed in my images, The composition of the "Breakfast of a (college) Champion" is not quite how I would've liked it to be and the snowboard one I didn't get the shadows quite right. (I did a lot of editing after scanning that photo in to get it closer to what I want) I would definitely reshoot this if I could, but that just isn't really an option with the cost of everything. I don't think this is the end of my relationship shooting 4x5, I just think we're gonna take a break until there's a free film giveaway or something of that sort.

1 comment:

  1. Breakfast of a (college) champion should have some painkillers or alcohol ;]
