Saturday, March 20, 2010

Climbing a Freaking Mountain

After spending another day at the beach (I got to body board, epic) we returned to Anna's house and got ready for a hike. But this wasn't just a hike in the woods, it was three miles, up a mountain, in the dark. I knew I had to shoot this so I lugged both cameras, a flash, light meter, a bunch of other accessories and my tripod. I got some cool landscape and cityscape pictures on the way up.

When we reached the top, besides it being pitch black, the fog gave us a view of about 5 feet away. But we stayed up long enough for the fog to clear for a few moments and I got a couple great pictures of the cities below.

We headed back down the mountain and I got a couple more photos because of all the light pollution.

After getting home Anna's mom made us some amazing enchiladas and we headed to sleep.

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