Thursday, March 11, 2010

First day in sunny California...not so sunny...

What were our plans for the first day in California? Beach, of course! Wait, nope, rain. It was raining when we woke up our first morning in California.
After breakfast at home, our gracious host took her two daughters to the spa for a girls day out, the rest of us got dropped off at the mall. We shopped for awhile but soon grew hungry and took shelter just before the skies opened up and dumped a small lake on us.

When our fish tacos (Which are not, in fact, shaped like fish) were devoured we decided to have some fun.

Rob and Meg modeling their fabulous new sun hats.

We met back up with the ladies from the spa made a stop at Costco (Which is an adventure in itself) and headed home for dinner and games...more on the games later

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