As you can see I am in this picture which means I did not take it. The look on my face also shows that I am not incredibly comfortable with the person taking the picture. It's okay though, I still love you Chelsea.
After we grew tired of walking around we decided to do something else. What else? good question. We pretty much drove around San Diego looking for this one place but never quite getting there. We then came across a pack of wild segwayers stalking two young pedestrians...

from the safe vantage point of the minivan we witnessed a brutal take down of the two juveniles. After our stomachs had settled we decided to get nothing other than sushi! But first, we had to find sushi! We found sushi! Sushi doesn't start serving for another hour. We drove away from sushi to get the other car we left near San Diego to save gas. We then drove back to sushi and had some of the best sushi ever.

And it came in a boat!
This has been my favorite post so far. I definitely laughed out loud when I read it.